No Fear Reading Signature Course
What You Get
Video Lessons and Printables Delivered Once a Week
Each lesson features me working with a parent and student, teaching reading exercises and concepts. You will see me working with actual parents of struggling readers and their children. This is not a talking head format with a power point or an app - the students this course is designed for do not learn sitting stationary in front of a screen clicking buttons. By watching these videos, you will learn EXACTLY how to implement that particular exercise with your own child.
It is easier than you think!
Run the reading exercises I model for fifteen minutes a day and your child will rapidly progress.
The Lessons
Welcome: Materials List
You will receive a welcome video from Keith. He will explain why and how to order materials that are custom for your child's reading level and interest. You will also receive a materials list with links to items you need to implement the lessons. This list includes construction paper, markers, flash cards, reading level appropriate books, boxing gloves (you read that right), and more. Everything is available from Amazon or the local Wal-Mart.
Lesson 1: Fight for the Word
You will learn how to teach your child a word decoding strategy that actually works. No more yelling, "Sound it out!" No Fear Reading teaches children to "Fight for the Word!" They will learn a word attack strategy they can embrace.
Lesson 2: Speed Cards
This strategy will show you how to increase your child's sight word bank rapidly so they can read fluently. They will learn a phonics based approach to acquiring sight words that will allow them to build their sight word bank at an amazing pace.
Lesson 3: Fixing the Phonics Foundation
Your child's phonics foundation has some holes. They may be struggling with long and short vowels (pal and pail / hop and hope) as well as blends (br, pl, cr, str) and other important sounds (ph, ou, kn, eigh, ugh, igh, tion, ci, cy). You will learn to find and fix what is missing.
Lesson 4: Choral Reading
If your child can't read fluidly, they can't comprehend what they are reading: it's that simple. They will read the same sentence or paragraph dozens of times and be unable to comprehend it. (Doubtless, you have experienced this.) This drill will help stop hesitantly reading one word at a time, aka robot reading.
Lesson 5: Fluency Through Poetry
You will use the immortal poetry in "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein to increase fluency. The rhythm of poetry can be tapped into to carry your reader along. This system works because it is not boring. What could be better than a poem about a crocodile that eats a dentist?
Lesson 6: Reading Comprehension I
This is why you are here. We had to improve decoding skills and fluidity to get here. You will be able to teach a step-by-step process that will allow your child to pick the right bubble (A, B, C, or D) on a test. They will learn how to read a passage and answer the questions correctly.
Lesson 7: Three Word Definition
Children that are below grade level in reading often have a below grade level working vocabulary. Teach your child to use three words, a self-created sentence, and a mind picture to lock in definitions. You will learn how to teach them to "squish" complex concepts into short phrases that are easily memorized.
Lesson 8: Cook Your Way to Reading Comprehension
Elementary and middle school students rarely make anything except in art class. They never read directions and construct anything. One of the greatest joys of reading is the power it gives you to create. Boys actually love this activity because baking something is the same as building something.
Lesson 9: Reading Comprehension II
Taking comprehension a step further: how to get it right even if you don't understand a word or even a portion of the content. Don't panic - you can figure it out, I will show you how. Your child will move from printed tests to computer-based comprehension tests and be successful.
You will also learn:
How to teach and ADHD/Dyslexic child to operate independently * How to discipline an ADHD child * How to stop word skipping * How to stop fidgeting and excessive movement * How to instruct children with visual processing challenges and audio processing disorders * Learn why body position impacts reading * What is executive function and why it matters * Why school accommodations may be slowing reading gains * Why brain neuroplasticity is a secret weapon * How to build excitement through games
Your Child Will Pass the EOGs
No Fear Reading is the only online reading program that has extensive test prep content. Your child will be able to drill on tests that mimic the state level EOG test. Dyslexics, children with visual processing disorders, auditory processing disorder, ADHD, and on the spectrum can’t simply read the content and fill in the bubbles. They need a process that takes into account the unique way they learn and see the world. No Fear Reading has modules that address exactly that. As an added bonus, children will also learn something rarely taught in school these days – logic.
You Have the Time!
Run this course where and when you want. In the fifteen minutes it takes to drive your child to a tutoring center you can conduct a lesson in your home.

You Also Get....Free Zoom Call Check-ins with Keith
Keith organizes Zoom calls to check in with program users. This is an opportunity for parents to not only talk to Keith and ask questions, but also to be part of a community with other parents of struggling readers. Join a community where you can share disappointments, frustrations, and also celebrate reading victories!
You will find answers to questions you have
lain awake wondering about:
Why does your child skip words and whole sentences and actually be unaware they have missed them?
How is it your child can read a passage and have absolutely no idea what it is about?
Why do they say a word that is not even close to what they are supposed to be reading?
How can your child get As and Bs, be promoted every year, yet flunk the EOG and obviously be below grade level in reading and unable to read a menu?
Why is it your child can build the most complicated Lego creations yet is unable to read?
Why is it your child can create pictures and drawings that amaze people, create music, have articulate conversations with adults, and manipulate their physical environment, yet be unable to read?
Why do “bs” and “ds” look the same to them and why does “them” become “him?”
In short, why are they so smart and creative, yet unable to read?
One Year Subscription
It will not take you one year to get your child to grade level, however, you will want access to new modules that Keith will be adding to the course.
These topics will be as varied as: how to improve your child's writing ability, how to go beyond grade level, how to get your child addicted to reading, as well as how to augment the education your child is receiving.